Authentic Living in the New Paradigm

Hi to everyone reading this, what an interesting time we’ve been having lately. I’m sort of relieved to have moved on from July and feel August has a different energy altogether.

Lena Stevens has an interesting profile for this month on her site and suggests it is a good time to look at our relationship to power – what makes us empowered and what might we like to change that is perhaps disempowering. It’s interesting as in my journaling practice, I have been looking at themes, beliefs and actions that support ‘lack consciousness’ and what things are wonderful contradictors of this. I realized any time I rush or hurry it immediately supports my ‘lack of time’ story. Of course there’s more under that. I must re-read Eckhart Tolle’s ‘New Earth’ book again. It’s highly recommended for anyone who finds it difficult to live and cherish every ‘now’ moment. But I do digress…it’s all in a similar vein which is what helps us and what does not really help us? Taking care of ourselves with sweetness and kindness seems like a pretty good start to me. However, what works for one may not for someone else. What is your true north?

I hope you enjoy the article:)

Love from OneHeart Annabelle xx

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