Authentic Living in the New Paradigm

IMG_6440Hi everyone, and welcome to the new year and indeed a new paradigm! Of course we know that the world did not end and this was never going to be the case. It is imperative that we each of us, tune into what information feels correct and appropriate, especially now on our planet. This at times may not be logical as we are moving into using more of our intuitive abilities. It would seem many had grave expectations only to be left with a feeling of ‘now what?’ It’s interesting to see that focusing singularly on outcome, on a particular date for example, what effect that can have on the collective. Perhaps many were thinking and hoping that the world would not end and indeed this may have changed certain outcomes from eventuating. And some were hoping for change to happen and were left feeling disappointed. I’m sure there were plenty who may not even have been aware and so we could theorize about that. Anyway, I prefer to focus on ‘journey’ and see this year as the beginning of a beautiful new more heart focused journey. And part of this journey will no doubt have its challenges, especially on our emotions and our physical bodies.

As we become lighter, it is important to look at the way we eat, choosing live, organic and more alkaline foods if possible, and drink plenty of fresh water wherever possible to help the cleansing process. Food and water can also be blessed with love and gratitude if fresh food is not available. There are many things to help lift our vibration and as a Transformative Therapist I see many more people considering counselling, psychotherapy, cognitive therapy, art therapy, dance therapy and so many more wonderful areas of support to help them work through emotional issues that are coming up through the system. Now we can google ‘ascension symptoms’ and see there is a plethora of strange physical pains, dizziness, hormone fluctuations, memory loss, ringing ears and much more that are also presenting. As Lee Harris explains in his video, it is a time to be kind to ourselves where ever possible and nurture ourselves, where we may have ordinarily pushed through it – it is now about honouring our systems.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy Lee’s  Annual Message for 2013  and also the channelled message below from Rainbow Scribe. These are but a few that resonated for me but not necessarily for everyone. Trust what feels right for you.

Sent with love from Annabelle.

Hilarion: You are Completing a Great Transformation in Your Life

Channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana – January 06, 2013

As the first days of the new Age of Light open before you, gather yourselves with strength from within and stand resolutely on the path that is before you, knowing that change is continuing to take place within your bodies and within all life around you. The new rays of the sun open long dormant codes within you and the process of the rejuvenation of your five body systems unfolds.

During these times it is important for you to remain steady and on course. Wield your power for holding and radiating more Light in your aura consistently and persistently as the transformation continues. Send beams of white Light to your country’s government and judicial systems, the educational systems, the monetary systems, as these go through some periods of recalibration.

You are walking the path of the trailblazer with every step you take, you are integrating the opposing forces within you and using them to consciously create beauty within you and around you and experiencing what it means to be the creator, to be YOU as a dynamic living power waiting to be expressed. The energy within flows through your heart, your chakric centers from your eternal spirit and you breathe it in, celebrating life in a physical body here on Earth as you move to the next level of our individual and collective potential.

Your every thought, word and activity in the everyday story of your life brings forth the magic of your creative abilities. Employ the qualities of wisdom and discernment as you weave the strands with truth, bringing balance, order, wholeness and completion in all that you do. Choose wisely that which you create for it manifests not only in the visible but in all dimensions of life.

You are completing a great transformation in your life and are ready to step into your true purpose, merging the masculine and feminine energies within you in a fully balanced way. You are both fully human and divine and you experience peace and well being as you become more comfortable in this knowing. A new beginning beckons as you step boldly forward. Remember that we are ever with you.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included.

Comments on: "Welcome to the New Paradigm…" (2)

  1. Thanks Annabella.
    I really love this post. It is crystal clear.
    Love D

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